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Booking a Library Instructional Lesson For Your Students

Teachers, if you would like to schedule a library instructional lesson for your students the link to my Google Calendar is here. Please make sure that you're logged in your CCSD Google Account before booking an appointment.

Here are examples of lessons I could provide for your students:


1) Basic library website tour and overview. 


2) How to access and use databases (basic overview).


3) How to access and use eBooks (including Destiny Discover)


4) How to identify real and fake news.


5) How to access and use JSTOR and/or EBSCO-HOST database (in-depth).


6) How to access and use Teaching (Great for ELA).


7) How to access and use Opposing ViewPoints (Great for ELA, Speech & Debate, and Social Studies).


8) How to access and use World Book Online, Vegas OnePlace, Culture Grams, and/or ABC CLIO. (Great for Social Studies, general information, and geography)


9) How to find colleges and careers.


10) Assistance in researching information for class projects and research papers.

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